build information

Downloading prebuilt binaries for your cryptocurrency wallets is highly inadvisable!
I will claim that each binary is built from the indicated source with no changes except those that are described and linked, but you should always be skeptical! If you're comfortable building binaries on your own, it's a much better option safety-wise, which is why I have provided the steps I took to compile these binaries and the source links.

All builds are compiled on a board with a Linaro kernel. The exact version is:
Linaro 3.0.36+ #20 SMP PREEMPT Fri Oct 17 14:28:23 CST 2014 armv7l

Unless otherwise noted, these binaries are built directly from the coins' repositories. They've been tested for normal use (encrypting/decrypting, sending/receiving coins, updating the blockchain database, solo mining), but may not be perfect.

If you want to build any of these yourself on a Debian-based distribution, the dependencies for most builds can be retrieved with:

sudo apt-get install git qt4-qmake libqt4-dev build-essential libboost-all-dev libssl-dev libdb5.1++-dev libminiupnpc-dev libgmp-dev

A CAUTIONARY NOTE: These build use libdb5.1 ! Essentially, this means that you can't swap the blockchain database that these binaries create (or have opened) back to an official wallet/server build because they use libdb4.8. This was done to simplify the build process dramatically (just an extra apt-get entry) instead of installing and relying on an unsupported libdb4.8-armhf binary.

bitcoin wallet

Bitcoin Logo Bitcoin Wallet, v 0.10.1 armv7l

Bitcoin Wallet at GitHub

This wallet builds from the official source with no alterations, just make sure you've installed the libprotobuf-dev and protobuf-compiler packages for your distro. To build it with libdb5.1, however, you must use the following command in place of the standard "./configure":

./configure --with-incompatible-bdb

It is also worth noting that you will need space for the entire blockchain to keep your wallet up-to-date. As of March 9, 2015, that's about 34GB.

Headless build (bitcoind): bitcoind-0.10.1.armv7l.tar.gz
GUI build (bitcoin-qt): bitcoin-qt-0.10.1.armv7l.tar.gz

diamond wallet

Diamond Logo Diamond Wallet, v armv7l

Diamond Wallet at GitHub armv7l fork at GitHub

The current official source will build the Qt and headless binaries with no changes, as my original contributions have been merged.

For the Qt binaries (armv6l or armv7l)
After grabbing the sources and dependencies, the following command will build the wallet GUI wallet:

qmake && make

For the headless binaries
The method is only slightly different for armv6l and armv7l - simply download the sources and dependencies, then navigate to the source folder and enter the appropriate command from below.

make -f makefile.unix xCPUARCH=armv6l

make -f makefile.unix xCPUARCH=armv7l

The following are binaries built for armv7l:
Headless build (diammondd): diamondd-
GUI build (diamond-qt): diamond-qt-

dash (darkcoin) wallet

Darkcoin Logo Dash Wallet, v armv7l

Dash at GitHub

This wallet builds from the official source with no alterations, just make sure you've installed the libprotobuf-dev and protobuf-compiler packages for your distro. To build it with libdb5.1, however, you must use the following command in place of the standard "./configure":

./configure --with-incompatible-bdb

Headless build (dashd): dashd-
GUI build (dash-qt): dash-qt-

litecoin wallet

Litecoin Logo Litecoin Wallet, v armv7l

Litecoin at GitHub

No changes were made to the source for this wallet, so I won't provide it. Just clone it from GitHub and follow the instructions if you want to build it.

Headless build (litecoind): litecoind-
GUI build (litecoin-qt): litecoin-qt-

vertcoin wallet

Vertcoin Logo Vertcoin Wallet, v armv7l

Vertcoin at GitHub

No changes were made to the source for this wallet, so I won't provide it. If you try to build it yourself, just make sure you've installed libtools, libboost-all-dev, libgmp-dev, and that you've built and installed libsecp256k1 from GitHub. And don't forget the other dependencies.

Headless build (vertcoind): vertcoind-
GUI build (vertcoin-qt): vertcoin-qt-

magi wallet

Magi Logo Magi Wallet, v armv7l

Magi at GitHub armv7l fork at GitHub

The current official source will build the Qt and headless binaries with no changes, as my original contributions have been merged.

For the Qt binaries (armv6l or armv7l)
After grabbing the sources and dependencies, the following command will build the wallet GUI wallet:

qmake && make

For the headless binaries
The method is only slightly different for armv6l and armv7l - simply download the sources and dependencies, then navigate to the source folder and enter the appropriate command from below.

make -f makefile.unix xCPUARCH=armv6l

make -f makefile.unix xCPUARCH=armv7l

The following are binaries built for armv7l:
Headless build (magid): magid-
GUI build (magi-qt): magi-qt-

why the ARM builds?

I work with an ARM development board rather frequently (Radxa Rock Pro), and I use it as a desktop as much as possible because it saves loads of energy compared to my regular desktop. But I had another computer running, basically just to keep a local coin-mining node running and keep my wallets up to date, which wasn't terribly efficient. So I decided that I'd build binaries for all the wallets that I use (and now some that people have requested), mostly because I couldn't find them anywhere else.

And because I couldn't find them anywhere else, I decided to stick them where other people can find them - why would I hog a convenience like pre-built wallets from anyone? Hopefully they can help anyone else looking for binaries, especially the ones that are trickier to build (like Vertcoin and Magi used to be).

Additionally, I'll keep these as up-to-date as possible/necessary. But if something does end up being too old for you to use, shoot me an email at with a relevant subject line. Maybe "CRYPTO: " and whichever wallet you're having issues with?

Likewise, if you want me to build a binary for whatever wallet you use, let me know and I'll see what I can do to help.